
antenataL scheduLe at baBy centRe!!!!

1 November, 2010 - 5-12 weeks

The Health Ministry recommends that you have your first appointment before 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is important so that your doctor can perform the necessary scans and tests - the first scan will confirm how many weeks pregnant you are and calculate your due date. 

Your first appointment is known as your booking appointment. Your doctor will take your medical history and may advise you on diet and lifestyle. She'll also be able to talk to you about screening tests and ultrasound scans. You'll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and raise any issues that may be worrying you. 

As well as giving you information, your doctor will also want: 

• Blood samples - These will be tested to identify your blood group, iron levels, immunity to rubella and rhesus status, and to check for any harmfulantibodies in your blood. You'll also be offered blood tests for infections that may harm your baby, including hepatitis BHIV, syphilis and possibly the blood disorder thalassaemia. 
• A urine sample - This will be tested for traces of protein (which can be a sign of pre-eclampsia) and glucose. You may also be tested for a urine infectioncalled asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB), which can increase your risk of giving birth too early 
• Blood pressure 
• Your weight and height 

All these tests will most likely be performed by the nurse at your doctor’s clinic.

22 November, 2010 - 8-14 weeks

At your booking visit, your doctor will do a dating scan. This can be carried out any time between 8 and 14 weeks, but should ideally be done at about 10-13 weeks. The scan will help to give you an accurate due date and will also tell you if you're carrying more than one baby.

13 December, 2010 - 11-14 weeks

If you've decided to have a nuchal translucency (NT) scan to screen for Down's syndrome, it needs to be carried out at 11-14 weeks. The scan can be combined with a blood test done at around the same time to give a more accurate result. This is known as the combined test

If you've chosen to have the integrated test for Down's syndrome, you'll have one blood test and an NT scan now, and another blood test at about 15-16 weeks.

3 January, 2011 - 14-20 weeks

If you're having the quadruple test for Down's syndrome, you'll have a single blood test some time between 14 and 20 weeks (ideally at about 15-16 weeks). If you're having the integrated test you will have your second blood test around this time, again ideally at about 15-16 weeks.

17 January, 2011 - 16 weeks

At this appointment your doctor will most likely discuss the blood and urine test results from your booking visit. If your iron levels are low, she may prescribe iron supplements. 
She'll also check your blood pressure and, as before, test your urine for traces of protein (which can be a sign of pre-eclampsia) and glucose. 

As with all your antenatal appointments, this is a good opportunity to ask questions and raise any issues that may be worrying you. You may also want to chat through your birth choices and ask about antenatal classes in your hospital.

31 February, 2011 - 18-20 weeks

If you've decided to have an anomaly scan to pick up any physical abnormalities your baby may have, this should happen at 18-20 weeks. If your placenta is found to be blocking the entrance to your cervix, your doctor will keep track of it on subsequent visits – you will have another scan at 36 weeks to make sure it has moved out of the way (they usually do).

If you want to know the sex of your baby, your doctor may be able to tell from the scans done around now. However, if your baby is lying in an awkward position, it may be difficult to tell. 

11 April, 2011 - 28 weeks

If you have been found to be anaemic, your doctor will take a blood sample to make sure your iron levels are OK and to check for antibodies in your blood. She'll also check your blood pressure and test your urine for protein and glucose. 

If you're rhesus negative, you should be offered an anti-D injection to kill off any antibodies in your blood.

23 May, 2011 - 34 weeks

Your blood pressure and urine will be checked. If you're rhesus negative, you should be given a second dose of anti-D to kill off any antibodies in your blood. 

This is a good time to discuss your birth plan with your doctor. Remember that your obstetrician may have his own preferences and routines when it comes to labour and birth care - for example, some obstetricians are used to delivering babies with their mothers in one position only and may not be willing to do it any other way! As such, a frank discussion will not only help you write a plan that is realistic but give you an idea of what to expect from your carers. 

An experienced antenatal educator in the Klang Valley also advises that you get your doctor to sign the birth plan so that the nurses and midwives at the hospital know what he has agreed to it.

6 June, 2011 - 36 weeks

Your doctor will do your routine checks and, if you've recently had a scan to check the position of your placenta, she'll discuss the results with you. She'll also feel your bump with her hands to check your baby's position. If your baby is breech, your doctor will discuss your birth options. Don’t forget there is an effective technique known as external cephalic version - an experienced doctor could attempt to “turn” your baby by hand. 

From now until you give birth, you will see your doctor every week. She will check your blood pressure, urine and weight.

11 July, 2011 - 41 weeks

If you haven't had your baby by 41 weeks, your doctor will want to induce labour. You may be offered a membrane sweep to try and kickstart labour, or your obstetrician may routinely use another method, but ultimately, it is your choice. 

Your doctor will also carry out the usual weight, blood pressure and urinechecks.

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