
neW en3

Today is Thursday November 11th 2010.You conceived on Monday October 11th 2010
and your due date is Monday July 4th 2011.

31 days have passed since the conception,
and you are 235 days before your due date.

You are 6 weeks into your pregnancy,
and you have 34 weeks to go.
You are in the 1st trimester.

12% of your pregnancy has passed, there is 88% left to go.


scaNNing baBy...@ Pusat peruBatan Bakti AmiNin

beLLa sakit perut since misseD period ari tu...taPi Upt poSitiF...akhiRnye maLam td cek baby...ade di daLam rahiM mama!!Love u sayanG...


eN husband seoRang pHotoghrapHer


beLLa suka dengan gambar2 hasil dari mR Husband. Chantek ngee... hoho sudah semestinyerlah sukakan. kLu U all nak tgk hasil koje mR Husband, bleh le masuk ke link bawah nih
mR Husband buat service untuk WedDing, Personal Portrait, Family Portrait, kid poRtrait, and kekadang ada jugak mR Husband amik untuk shoot event.
wat masa nih mR Husband ngah wat promotiom untuk pakej perkahwinan so sapa2 yang rasa nak hasil sentuhan A.K.U PHOTOGRAPHER boleh le tengok2 kat blog tu.

mummY Love u saYang


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